Help for the Tired Momma

Recently I’ve been trying to figure out how to balance “me time” with work and kids constantly wanting just me. By kids wanting me I mean, they need to be crawling all over me and I cannot for the life of me get anything done. Both kids like to use the line ” but I just want to cuddle you”. How to break my heart in one easy lesson. I mean how do you say no to cuddles from a three and five year old. So the million dollar question is how do you get things like grocery shopping and cleaning the house done while still managing to keep peace with the kids that want to cuddle?

In order to decrease the time I have to be running errands and increase the time I spend with my kids( not dragging them to stores and having to deal with crankiness and fighting and begging for every item imaginable), I have been trying out grocery services and home meal deliveries. It is definitely a trial right now to find what we like and works for us. But for now I will share what I have tried and perhaps it can help you find some sanity/ extra time you can spend on yourself.

So far, I have tried the Stop and Shop Peapod service, both home delivery and in store pick up  and the Shop Rite Shop from Home both home delivery and in store pick up, as well as Hello Fresh. I am planning on trying Blue Apron soon but haven’t done so yet.

So here’s my take on the Grocery store services. They are fairly similar, you place your order online and pick time and date for pick up or delivery. The lovely folks at the stores do their best to pick out what you have requested. Pro’s for this type of shopping? Well I found a ton! 1) You don’t have to do the shopping yourself and you can be running other errands while someone does the shopping for you! That is a great deal in my book! That’s like gaining an hour or two of time in your already busy day! 2) You don’t have to deal with crowds if you’d rather stay home and have it delivered! Great for those days you just can’t get out of the house whether it be due to illness( cause you know those kiddos are germ factories!) or you just can’t mentally deal with getting the kids dressed and ready and out the door. ( We all know those days when you just can’t deal with the constant fighting with the kids just to put clothes on)

Great you think this sounds like an awesome deal! Someone shops I pick up or have it delivered and it’s a win win situation. Well hold on there, I did find a couple issues that makes it less than ideal all the time.

So my con list contains: 1) Someone else is picking out your produce and meat. By this I mean they likely wont be up to your standards for what you would pick to feed your family. Everyone has different standards. Once I got home to find some rotten veggies that had been included in my order. I could have returned them but was running behind as usual and just threw them out instead. 2) Sometimes they substitute items if they are out of what you requested. Granted you have to OK these substitutions, but they aren’t always ideal substitutions. If you were shopping you would likely find something else that would work for the item, but I often find the substitutions they provide are really far from anything I would pick. So not a huge time saver if I then need to go shop for those items especially if around the holidays or if I need to make a specific recipe for a party etc. 3) The times to either pick up or have delivery don’t always fit into my schedule. I mean I place my order and I would like to pick it up later today. Well that usually isn’t the case. You usually need to place your order at least the day prior. So not so great for last minute shopping.

Now on to Hello Fresh. I got a coupon to try it out for 50% off one week. I figured why not lets give this a try! It may even save me some money. If I stay out of the grocery store I wont buy those random items that I see and think “hey we really need to try those” and then never eat. So I picked the family of 4 meals to try at 2 meals per week. I picked a roast pork loin and chicken tenders. My first disappointment was that there were only 3 recipes total to pick your two meals from. These meals were supposed to be kid/family friendly. Well other than the chicken tenders we got last week and the rigatoni we are getting this week I’m not so sure they are toddler and preschool palate friendly. ( we are getting another week as I forgot to cancel and I figured we should try another week before I make a decision on cancelling. Who am I kidding I’m just lazy  too busy to have actually gotten around to cancel.)

So the Hello Fresh was delivered to my door packed in frozen ice packs! I didn’t actually get to see what it looked like all packed up as I was at work and got a notice it had been delivered. I had the Nanny grab it and put everything in the fridge as it was 80 degrees out and figured it shouldn’t stay on my front stoop until I got home at 8:30 pm. What I did see was well labeled boxes with all the fresh ingredients as well as vacuum packed meats and instructions cards.

In my infinite wisdom I ordered our first week to be delivered the week my husband was away for a work conference and I was working or away 2 of the 3 following days. So I invited my parents over for dinner and made both boxes so there would be leftovers for the following night for the kids while I was at work. That was my first mistake. Definitely make one meal and eat it hot! Duh I know. So my mom and I got to work making the pork first, we should have done the chicken tenders with sweet potatoes and snap peas first. The pork was really easy to do and done fairly quick. That was the problem. I just had to prep, roast the potatoes, sear the pork and then stick it all in the oven. Well I overcooked the pork. I do not like dry meat so in my mind it was a fail. If I had only been doing the pork I would have paid better attention and it would have been fine. I was making the chicken tenders, which ended up being delish, and was distracted. The sweet potatoes needed more time to cook but it could have also been user error. My mom didn’t cut them all that small. So in the end it was a learning experience to be sure!

One thing I did realize was that these meals would be great portion control. My husband and I need to work on that definitely. I think if he had been home he would not have been thrilled with the amount of food expected to feed 4 people. I think the food sent for 4 people for the pork roast would have been good for him and I with some leftovers but not enough for 4 adults. The chicken tenders meal seemed to be a little more generous in portions, but difficult to really assess as we did both the same night and gave the kids the chicken tenders and my parents and I had the roast pork. We did have to try the chicken as well as a taste test though. The chicken got 2 thumbs up from the adults! The kids were hesitant and not a fan the first night but gobbled it up as leftovers the next night. My kids are weird what can I say?

The only other thing I was kinda disappointed by was that it was $40 dollars for those two recipes and that was supposedly 50% off. This next week without a coupon is like $70 dollars. I hold judgement for after this week’s meals but I think it’s a little steep pricing. I am looking forward to trying Blue Apron in a couple weeks as they seem to have a couple more choices that may work better for my family.

I don’t have the answer to what is best regarding these grocery/meal services, but I do know I like them in theory. I like the fresh food that I don’t have to spend time shopping for. Best case scenario, I just need to find a personal shopper. Maybe I just need to win the Lotto first….

a bit of housekeeping

Hello all! a bit of housekeeping… first of all, I am eagerly awaiting a guest post to our blog by mommystroller from I have to say there are some great resources on her page and information regarding picking a stroller… so while we wait patiently for a new outlook on baby gear, peruse her website and get some greInline image 1at pointers!!!

Next point of housekeeping… anyone interested in guest posting on the blog, writing a review of your favorite baby gear? let us know and we can set things up! We are open to suggestions as well as to what you would like to see reviewed.

And lastly, I have been trying out a couple things I think are great “momma gear”, so keep tuned for those in the coming weeks!

That is all! Have a great day!

Keeping our little blessings distracted

This weekend I had the chore, I mean honor of being in my youngest brother’s wedding. It was a beautiful event and I love my brother and my newest sister in law and was honored to have my entire immediate family in the wedding! What was difficult was having 4 children ranging from age 2 to 5 in the wedding. My two kiddos and my niece and nephew were the adorable cherubs cranky toddlers, walking calmly (calmly is a strong word, perhaps petrified would better describe it, and definitely not two by two) down the aisle.

Prior to the joyous event I had stopped in my favorite retail store, Target, for some distractions to keep them quiet during the hour long Catholic wedding mass. I have to say I have a love hate relationship with the dollar area when you first walk in the store. First of all, I spend far too much time and money in that area, and a lot of the stuff there is actually $3 not $1 as I wish it was. I constantly convince myself that I really do need all of the things there! I will definitely find time to be organized and decorate for every holiday and do some fantastic crafts with my kids….ya no. I’m only fooling myself, no one else believes me when I say, Hey look what great finds were in Target and look how creative the kids and I will be. In reality it’s more likely the kids and the nanny will be creative as I work my day/night 12 hour rotating shifts or am sleeping.

Alas, I digress. Back to the Target deal area when you walk in the store. I found some fantastic distractions for the kids, like those Imagine Ink picture books you can color in with the mess free markers! These things rock! The kids love them and they don’t mark on anything else! Those white flower girl dresses and the white tux shirts stayed white( well there wasn’t marker on them is a more accurate description).  I also got each kiddo a tote bag to fill with these goodies. There was a minion, Spiderman, frozen and Minnie each for just a dollar. The older boys also were given some dry erase markers and flash cards to practice their letters( we all know that didn’t happen). From the deal area I

ventured img_8722into the toys and arts and crafts areas. I found  Crayola color wonder marker kits and each of the kids got a pack. Again same theme, no mess. These markers only will mark on the special paper, thankfully!

In the toy section I got a couple care bear blind bags that were on clearance, and a couple hatchimal eggs  to keep each kiddo occupied.  For those of you who haven’t been sucked into the world of blind bags by your munchkins, they are small bags that are usually 2-3 dollars a piece and have small figures in them. You have to open the bag to see what you have gotten. My kids are obsessed. We currently use them as prizes for potty training. There are Doc Mcstuffins, Care Bears, Lion Guard, Marvel Superheros bags and the list goes on! These can be purchased pretty much anywhere including Target, Walmart, Amazon and the Dollar Tree.

My sister in laws also added to the bags a couple of treats including snacks, a barbie, and some small figurines she got from Five Below. The distractions worked fairly well until the kiddos actually wanted to play with them. Opening of packages quietly in the front pew was slightly difficult and my kids don’t play quietly so I’m sure you can guess how it all went.

My favorite part of the wedding was as my brother and his new wife were saying their vows, I’m trying to get my husband’s attention across the aisle to have his mother take our 3 year old to the potty, because 3 year olds definitely pick the best time to have to pee! Overall the wedding went fairly smoothly, and the distractions we picked up from Target definitely helped! The bag of goodies extended it’s usefulness to the reception as well and we were able to keep the kiddos entertained for a majority of the evening. Crisis averted!

A New Day

Hey all, I know we have been sparse when it comes to blog posts recently, but that’s going to change! I apologize for the absence, my family sold a house, bought a house, moved with a preschooler, toddler and a large German Shepherd Dog, I changed jobs (big learning curve there!) and we were all just in a wedding. Lots of excuses but we were super busy and there was very little time left over for anything other than sleep.

This summer both kiddos will be in camp twice a week for 4 glorious hours!!!!! I am hoping this will lend me some time to have some time to review and blog. Plans for the blog include new posts regarding, toddler/ school age gear, potty training, car seat cleaning, and hopefully some guest posts.

Leave some comments on what you want to see reviewed!

Making Life Easier With A Toddler-Part 2

So to continue my thoughts on the great products I received from Munchkin/Brica, I’m going to share 2 more great products.

The Munchkin Sturdy potty seat.  Monkey loves this seat and so do I .  When he saw it in the box, it was the first thing he grabbed out and ran around the house with it.  My favorite thing about this seat is that it is all one piece, so I don’t have to worry about taking the cushiony part off the top to clean it.  It fits well on our toilet and Monkey really likes sitting on it.  It also stands up on its own which is great for storage.

Next up is the Click Lock Weighted Straw Cup.  This cup is great!  First of all, it has survived many throws and drops without leaking.  This is a major plus in our house.  Many cups become airborne or projectiles.  I also love that this cup came with a brush that fits inside the straw which makes cleaning much easier.  The weighted straw has also been great, Monkey is able to get his water out no matter what angle he holds the cup.

Stay tuned for part 3….bath toy organization!


Making Life Easier With A Toddler -Part 1

Recently I received some gifts from Munchkin/Brica in exchange for writing reviews about what I thought of them.  Before I go into any detail, I just have to say these items have been great!

First up is the Brica On The Go Booster.  I cannot say how much I love this product.  The best part is, Monkey loves it too!  In fact he tries to sit in it all the time and when he is in it I can’t get him out without a fight.  It is super easy to travel with and attaches to a chair so I don’t worry about him tipping over.   It has a great storage area which eliminates the need for a diaper bag as well.  Bean likes to help me carry it, she thinks it’s her own purse.   It’s great to use and easy to attach and unattach, and the first time I used it I was able to unhook it from the chair and close it up with one hand while sitting down holding a very wiggly toddler.  LOVETHIS BOOSTER!

Keeping Feet Ready For Action

We know that summer is almost over and boy has it been a busy one!   The Phibian shoes from Stride Rite have been an amazing part of our summer.  First of all, I’ll talk about style.  They come in some great colors.  Bean loves anything pink, so hers were a no-brained. Monkey is all boy, so dark gray works best for him.   Now on to how awesome these shoes are.   We absolutely love them in our house.  They’re easy enough for 4 year old Bean to put on herself which is a HUGE plus in my book.  They procure a ton of support and have no-slip soles, both qualities that are great for running around outside.  They are waterproof which makes for great transitions between water play and dry ground play!  Out ffavorite place to wear them is the splash pad because the kids can go from water to playground without any issues!  They dry quickly and are machine washable.  Definitely a summer must have in our house!

Puddle Jumpers: giving confidence in the water

I’ll admit I was that mom. You know the one who doesn’t have kids yet but is always like my kids will never….insert some fallacy regarding how their kid will behave. One of the obnoxious thoughts I had was my kids will never wear floaties, swimmies etc in the pool because they will be in swimming lessons from the beginning and I don’t want them thinking they can swim when they can’t , blah blah blah.  Reality hit when I had kids especially two kids two and under a couple summers ago. Little man would cling to me and not want to swim and well swimming lessons other than what I had taught him hadn’t happened yet( bad mommy I know). Enter the Puddle Jumper by Sterns. Little man loves it! He is able to navigate the water with supervision and when I try to teach him how to swim he can move his arms and legs appropriately and easily. He no longer clings to me and it doesn’t choke him like life jackets do. Swimming with 2 kids is a much easier feat.

Based on how well little man did with his puddle jumper I have been on the look out for another for my sassy little girl. She was surprisingly frightened of the water as her brother was. We had gotten a similar product from my mom but it was too big and the swimmies on the arms would just fall off. Given the holiday weekend that likely would include swimming I figured getting a puddle jumper for sassy girl would be a good idea. I got her a 3D deluxe puddle jumper with a cute starfish on it’s front and of course it’s pink. My opinionated girl loves pink! What I didn’t realize was that puddle jumpers come in basic, deluxe, 3d deluxe and ultra models. Little man just has a basic puddle jumper that is over a year old. From what I found online is that the fabric is different in the basic, deluxe and ultra, with the ultra being a hydroprene for less irritation. The basic is nylon, the deluxe and deluxe 3d are polyester and the Ultra is hydroprene.  My kids are so fair skinned they always have rash guards on so the fabric softness wasn’t too concerning for us. What I do love about the 3d deluxe and ultra models are that they have antimicrobial coating. Keeping bacteria to a minimum is always a plus. Puddle jumpers are also a USCG approved life jacket type V/III. They are meant for 30-50 lb kiddos which includes both of my kiddos.

Where can you get one of these life jackets you ask? Well I got mine at Target but I have found them at Amazon, Bjs wholesale, walmart, etc. The original/basic model retails for $19.99 but of course I always see them on sale, I believe for $17 this past week at Target. The Deluxe model ranges from $24.99-$29.99 and the Ultra model runs $39.99 on .  Check them out and let us know what you think.

Momma swim wear

I’ll admit I’m not a huge fan of  summer for a couple of reasons. I do not have central air at home, I hate wearing bathing suits, and I hate the constant fireworks that freak out my 100lb German Shepherd Dog. I do not feel like splurging on Central air as we are currently trying to sell said home, and nothing I can do about the fireworks other than medicate my dog, but I can find a cute bathing suit!  And the fireworks continue to go off as I write this post. I swear people are trying to wake my kids and make the dog destroy my house! Again another post where I digress…

I am a curvy girl and definitely have extra weight that needs to go. I also have the lower belly that was never quite so prominent prior to having 2 c-sections. Add all that together and I dread bathing suit season. Last year I tried out a Dresskini from Lands end and while really cute, I kinda felt it made me look a lot older. My Mother in law thought it was a cover up, so not exactly the look I was going for. This year I actually found a bathing suit I’m fairly comfortable in, again from Lands end.  I am a huge fan of their bathing suits. They fit a wide array of sizes and have something for everyone. This year I bought a Blouson top with a swim mini bottom ( basically a swim skirt) and a rash guard hoodie cardigan. I am in love with this suit! I feel comfortable walking around with the kids in this suit and I feel fully covered without feeling like an old lady.  The only con to buying at Lands end is the price point. If you were to purchase at retail price that suit I described above would run a couple hundred dollars. I did not pay that thankfully! I took advantage of a 40% off swim wear sale. I did however forget to utilize Ebates, which would have given me some money back as well. While I still paid more for a bathing suit than I think is appropriate, I am very happy with the end result and will likely look to add a couple tops and at least another swim mini to my wardrobe.

Go check the suits available and don’t forget a rash guard to keep those harmful UV rays off of you!  If you have favorite suits let us know! We would love to hear your thoughts.



Wet Bags: Not just for cloth diapering!

Where has Time gone? How is it summer already? School is out and my kids are driving me bonkers! One way I try to keep them busy/ tire them so I get them to nap  is to fill up the water table, and the kiddie pools, take out the sprinkler and let them free in the backyard while I sit and watch from the porch! That is definitely my go to plan on days we stay home, but other days when I need to get out of my house before I pull all my hair out,  we visit the splash pad or the grandparents’ house with the pool. After that long day in the sun and water( fully sun-screened with hats and rash guards for my pale New England kiddos) the question is, what to do with the wet bathing suits and rash guards? Last summer I made the mistake of putting adorable rash guards and bathing suits for each kiddo in a plastic bag. Unfortunately they were forgotten about and buried in the dirty laundry. I ended up having to throw them away as due to the mold.  No matter what I did I couldn’t get it out. This year I vow not to make that mistake again! How am I going to prevent that unfortunate event this year you ask? Well I am now hyper-vigilant about wet clothes being put in the wash or hung to dry promptly, and I am using wet bags for transport from the water activities.

What are wet bags you ask? Well they are this delightful invention of a cloth bag that is lined to prevent wet and nasty stuff from leaking out. It is usually a cloth diapering parents lifesaver for diapering on the go. Who wants a dirty diaper in their diaper bag? Ew not me! The Wet bag keeps wet and stink inside and keeps diaper bags and purses clean. I do not cloth diaper (although if I have a third I might give it a try as I have cleaned enough poop and pee through potty training and really isn’t that bad, and the diapers are adorable!!!).  I do keep several wet bags around for wet bathing suits, wet clothes after an accident while out for my potty training babes, for Tula storage so they don’t get ruined in my car, and the list goes on! There are also wet/dry bags that I recently purchased from that I’m dying to try. The outside zipper isn’t lined so change of clothes go in there and wet side is lined for the wet stuff! A perfect staple for the diaper bag. I stash a couple in the car with a change of clothes and diapers for the kids as a just in case!

Wet bags come in several sizes, made by different companies including Smartbottoms, Thirsties, Planet wise, Milovia, Grovia and Blueberry to name a few. I often see other brands on zulily and have bought a couple of those as well. Prices range from 12-30 dollars based on size. The prints are adorable and if you cloth diaper you can match your diapers to the wet bags and if not you too can join in on the cuteness!


other places to get these fantastic bags:

Deluxe Wet Bag